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Types of Stone Masonry

Different Types of Stone Masonry

When thinking about stone masonry, one of the first things that come to mind is its most notable feature – strength and durability. But most

Why Hire a Mason for Your Stonework

Why Hire a Mason for Your Stonework

Masons are often referred to as bricklayers because of their use of bricks in building structures. They may also be called stone masons depending on

Different Brick Types

Types of Brick Used in New England

To the unsuspecting eye, bricks appear to be just bricks – rectangular, usually reddish in color, mostly rough, but always very solid. In essence, bricks

How to add a fireplace to a house

How to Add a Fireplace to a House?

Who doesn’t feel excited about the approaching holidays? The most awaited winter season signals the coming of Christmas and New Year’s Eve when we gather

Brick Masonry VS. Stone Masonry

Brick Masonry VS. Stone Masonry

Masonry is one of the most traditional construction methods known to human civilization. Every nation has significant structures that have stood until today which were built

Benefits of Hiring a Masonry Contractor

7 Benefits of Hiring a Masonry Contractor

To some, hiring a professional masonry contractor seems daunting because of the cost it entails. It costs more compared to hiring an amateur to do masonry work.